Eating Disorder Guide For Parents

Eating Disorder Guide For Parents

Understand your child’s eating disorder and guide recovery

Parenting a child who has an eating disorder is tricky and complicated, but you don’t have to do it alone – this guide can help! We have hundreds of resources to help you navigate your child’s eating disorder recovery and be the difference-maker in their life.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by eating disorder information that is clinical or terrifying, then welcome to this little corner of the internet where we aren’t afraid to use plain language and make eating disorder information accessible and written specifically for parents. This guide is a great way for parents to understand their child’s eating disorder a little better and start helping them recover!

Parent-Friendly ❤️ Neurobiology ❤️ Attachment ❤️ Non-Diet ❤️ Health At Every Size®

A resource guide for parents of a child with an eating disorder

Eating Disorder Guide For Parents

What parents need to know about eating disorders

An eating disorder is a serious diagnosis, and the first thing to know as a parent is that they don’t typically go away on their own. Eating disorders are some of the most complex and sticky mental disorders because they involve food, which we need to eat every day to stay alive. 

Beyond the basic facts of needing nutrition to live, feeding and eating are an essential part of the social fabric of being human. We are not machines who can simply live on non-emotional “fuel.” Rather, we are emotional beings built to live and thrive in social groups. Biologically, a human who eats alone is frightened and in danger. That’s why feeding our kids and eating together with our families is a vital part of being a well-functioning person, family, and society. 

Unfortunately, today’s society has made eating complicated and divorced it from its emotional and social roots. This attitude has led to consistently increasing rates of eating disorders, and it makes feeding our kids unnecessarily difficult. Luckily, parents have tremendous influence over their child’s feeding and eating environment and can make a huge difference in kids’ recovery. 

You are essential to your child’s eating disorder recovery. This guide can help parents understand and respond to their child’s eating disorder more effectively and powerfully.

FAQ: Parent’s guide to understanding eating disorders

Can parents help kids recover from an eating disorder?

Yes! Parents are the single biggest asset in a child’s treatment team for an eating disorder, and yet they often feel separated from treatment and recovery. The history of eating disorder treatment is full of errors and mistakes, including blaming parents for kid’s eating disorders and keeping them in the dark while the “experts” treat the child.

What we know today is that educated, trained parents are a child’s greatest asset and strongest allies in eating disorder recovery. However, this is advanced-level parenting. Parents need a guide and lots of support and training to effectively help a child recover from an eating disorder. But when they do, the impact is HUGE!

Very few parents naturally have the skills to guide a child to recovery, but you’ve got what it takes to learn, grow, and succeed! When parents are educated, equipped, and empowered, they supercharge recovery.

How can I help my child recover from an eating disorder?

You can help your child with an eating disorder recover. In fact, with guidance and support, you are the best person in the whole world to do so! Kids are biologically hardwired to seek support, guidance, and nourishment from their parents. When an eating disorder enters the picture, parents can feel locked out and stuck. However, there are many things parents can do to get their kids back on track and begin the process of eating disorder recovery. Most notably, parents can take responsibility for the following aspects of eating disorder recovery:

  1. Learn about eating disorders and your child’s unique causes, symptoms, and treatment plan
  2. Feed your child regular meals
  3. Eat with your child
  4. Create a positive food and body image environment in your household
  5. Learn about co-regulation and support your child in building their emotional regulation skills
  6. Facilitate relationships with treatment providers who can address your child’s medical, nutritional, and psychological needs
What’s it like to have a child with an eating disorder?

Most parents who have a child with an eating disorder begin by feeling scared and overwhelmed. Parenting a child with an eating disorder requires tremendous effort that may include:

  • Finding healthcare professionals to treat your child’s disorder
  • Driving them to appointments
  • Spending more time planning, preparing and serving food, as well as eating together more frequently
  • Managing mealtime stress and meltdowns
  • Navigating panic attacks, anxiety, and fear about eating and weight gain
  • Negotiating with a child who doesn’t seem to want to recover
  • Educating family, friends, and healthcare professionals about your child’s needs as a person in recovery from an eating disorder

Parenting a child with an eating disorder is a serious job that will require effort and patience. It’s important to get a guide and plenty of support for yourself.

What’s the hardest part of having a child with an eating disorder?

Every family is different, so what’s hardest for you may be different from another parent. However, most parents tell us that the following aspects of having a child with an eating disorder are most challenging:

  • Feeling as if you’re no longer connected to and able to talk to your child
  • It seems like things that used to be easy are suddenly much harder
  • Meals are stressful, more frequent, and more complicated than they were before
  • It can feel like you’re walking on eggshells all the time and as if nothing you say or do is “right”
  • Your child doesn’t believe they have a problem and refuses to engage in treatment

Whatever part of parenting a child with an eating disorder is hardest for you right now, please get support from friends, family, and professionals. This is a tough job, and you’ll be more successful if you have a lot of support.

What are parenting skills and strategies for having a child with an eating disorder?

There are three essential parenting skills and strategies for having a child with an eating disorder:

  1. Set clear expectations: Know what you can expect when parenting a child with an eating disorder, understand the treatment and recovery process, and be clear about what you’re asking of yourself, your family, and your child with an eating disorder.
  2. Set boundaries: Kids with eating disorders need you to hold firm boundaries with a ton of compassion. This is a skill that you can learn and develop, no matter how hard it is for you right now.
  3. Honor autonomy: Eating disorder treatment often limits kids’ agency and autonomy. And while much of this is necessary to keep them safe and healthy, it must be balanced with opportunities for expressing themselves and being seen as independent and more than an eating disorder. Balancing boundaries with autonomy is one of the greatest challenges about parenting a child with an eating disorder, but it can start with something as simple as validating your child’s feelings.
What support is available for parents who have kids with eating disorders?

Parents who have kids with eating disorders need a lot of support to navigate this very challenging situation. Consider the following options:

  • Professional support (coach, therapist, RD)
  • Parent groups (online or in-person through your child’s treatment provider or elsewhere)
  • Online support (articles, support groups, online classes)

We have more information about parent support for when your kid has an eating disorder.

Cheat Sheet: Parenting Eating Disorder

Free Download: How To Parent A Child With An Eating Disorder

The 6 basic steps you need to follow to help your child recover from an eating disorder.

Featured Articles About Eating Disorders

About Us is an online resource that supports parents who have kids with eating disorders. We educate parents about weight, food, and mental health and seek to reduce the fear and shame parents feel when their child has a problem with eating. We believe full recovery from an eating disorder is possible, and we support a non-diet, Health at Every Size® approach. Our eating disorder guide helps parents understand eating disorders so they can support recovery. You are the parent your child needs to recover!

Resource Guide For Parents Who Have Kids With Eating Disorders

Weight-Neutral Healthcare Cards

Worksheets For Kids With Eating Disorders

Guides for Parents

How To Talk To Your Child If They Have An Eating Disorder

Custom-created using concepts from motivational interviewing and interpersonal neurobiology.

  • How to have your first conversation about your suspicions (and all the ones that come afterwards!)
  • How to respond when your child says they don’t have an eating disorder
  • Resource sheets to support parents facing a child’s eating disorder

Parent Scripts For Eating Disorder Recovery

Scripts to help you figure out what to say to help your child with an eating disorder. Use these scripts:

  • At the dinner table when behavior is getting out of control
  • When you need to set boundaries – fast!
  • After something happened so you can calmly review the triggers and events


Non-Diet Resources

Non-Diet HAES Parenting Tips

Non-Diet/Health At Every Size® Fact Sheets, Guidelines, and Scripts

The BEST WAY to raise a HEALTHY child/teen free from body hate and dangerous eating patterns!

  • Fact Sheets About Weight Stigma, Diet Culture, Kids and Diets, and More
  • Non-Diet Parent Guidelines
  • Non-Diet Parent Scripts About Responding to Fat Talk, Diet Talk, and More
  • What to Say/Not Say When Talking About Bodies and Food